This is a course for those exploring faith for the 1st or the 50th time; adults preparing for baptism, confirmation, reception into the Anglican Church, or reaffirmation of baptismal vows. In 11 sessions, we seek to move deeper by engaging in some of faith’s most basic questions: Who is Jesus? How should we read the Bible? Why is there suffering? Participants gather for prayer, watch a video presentation, and then join in small-group discussion. Through listening and sharing, all will wrestle with these foundational questions in each other's company. As we do so, we will learn more about ourselves, one another, and the Jesus we are seeking.
Dates: Thursdays, January 26 - April 13. Session length: 60-75 minutes (7:00pm-8:15pm)
Place: Zoom
Who is it for: those exploring faith for the 1st or the 50th time; adults (16+) preparing for baptism, confirmation, reception into the Anglican Church, or reaffirmation of baptismal vows.
Attendance: Sessions are related to and build upon one another, so this is not a drop-in course. Please register in advance as you are encouraged to attend all of the sessions. You can request to be in a small group with someone you know.
Registration: is closed
Deadline to Register: January 20, 2023
Program Info: Transforming Questions is a curriculum developed by Forward Movement, a ministry of the Episcopal Church, that has been adapted with permission for the Diocese of New Westminster. The original program is available from Forward Movement at and was developed with generous support by the Episcopal Church’s Constable Fund. The original program is © 2015 Forward Movement, while changes are the property of the Diocese of New Westminster.