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After a year-long journey with Being a Good Ancestor, folks got together for a closing celebration with food, sharing, and conversations around next steps in the journey of reconciliation.

Being a Good Ancestor has been a year journey in conversation with diverse Indigenous artists and elders walking the path of truth and reconciliation. The year has included wisdom sharing and cultural arts including cedar weaving rattles, drum making, beading orange shirt pins to name a few. It has been a wonderful year of learning and relationship building.

Being a Good Ancestor was a collaboration of the Diocese of New Westminster, St. Faith’s Anglican Church, and St. Hildegard’s Sanctuary. Special thanks to the elders and artists who companioned the journey: Rikki Kooy, Racelle Kooy, Todd Giihlgiigaa DeVries, Sabian Michael Rawcliffe, Kerry Baisley and Brian Shieh.