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Our next art opening, featuring the works of the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, retired Archbishop, is scheduled for Thursday, January 9, at 6pm.

The very first piece of original art that Archbishop Skelton received was while she was at university, and was an engraving by a now well-known animator for the American film industry. From that moment on, she was enamored of ink on paper of all kinds: letterpress, screen printing, lithography, and more. Shortly before her retirement as Archbishop, she began studying letterpress, which led to linocut, which led to other types of carving and printing. The pieces in this show are all from hand-carved and hand-printed blocks–ink on paper, enhanced by colour, pattern, and play.

Join us for an evening of art and conversation as we explore Archbishop Skelton’s work and hear a short presentation by the artist. Refreshments will be served, all are welcome.

This show will remain on display from January 9 through the end of February and will be viewable by the public during the week, Tuesday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm, as well as on Sundays between services.

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