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Thursday, March 17th, 2011, St. Andrew the Apostle, Anglican Church in Langley was filled to capacity for the Induction of their new rector, the Reverend Paula Porter-Leggett.
More than two dozen clergy joined the near capacity congregation of St. Andrew's parishioners to wish Paula "Many Blessings" in her new ministry.
Bishop Michael celebrated the Eucharist and the Rev. Paul Guiton preached. Paul, now the Incumbent of St. Dunstan, Aldergrove had served his curacy at St. Andrew's several years ago during the incumbency of the Rev. Scott Gould.
A highlight of the worship (which just happened to take place on St. Patrick's day) was the enthusiastic greeting of South Fraser Regional Dean, the Rev. Craig Tanksley who was resplendent in large green sunglasses. Unfortunately the photo received by Diocesan Communications was a bit too fuzzy for publication, so if anyone has a clear image, we would like to have a copy.
At the conclusion of worship there was a Welcome/St. Patrick's Day party in the parish hall with a cake and other refreshments (in the image above we see Susan Blows, ODNW helping Paula cut and distribute the cake, image on right:parishioners enjoy the reception, below: Paula with her partner the Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett. Many thanks to Christine MacIntosh for her photos).