Many thanks to those folks who sent in photos or let diocesan communications know about worship and events that involved gatherings at parishes around the diocese from June 27 to July 11.
June 24, 2021, Bishop John Stephens made the trip to Powell River to spend an extended weekend with the lay and clergy leaders at the Parish of St. David and St. Paul. Jeanette Wiley took some photos of Bishop John, clergy and a nave POV shot during the Sunday morning worship where a number of parishioners were onsite. And what would an Anglican Church service be without at least a couple of technical difficulties. At Powell River the audio was not behaving quite as it should which prompted the following expression from the bishop:
The Reverend Alecia Greenfield celebrated Holy Eucharist with Baptism and Renewal of Baptismal Vows outside the church building at Holy Cross in East Vancouver. Two dozen parishioners including baptismal candidate, Atsumi were present and so was Jasper the church dog who was welcomed into the community.
While Jasper was being feted in East Vancouver, the Reverend Cameron Gutjahr, Rector of St. John’s, Squamish was gearing up for the first ever Anglican Bike Blessing of his incumbency in the parking lot of the Garibaldi Highlands parish. Three cyclists and a worshipper who uses a walker were on hand for the first blessing, which involved a brief liturgy culminating in a blessing complete with asperges (a holy water-soaked cedar bough sprinkling the objects and people being blessed). Later, individual cyclists showed up and participated in the liturgy of blessing.
Onsite worship returned to St. John’s, Shaughnessy in a big way on the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, July 11, 2021, with the return of their former rector and now their bishop, the Right Reverend John Stephens. There were more than 50 worshippers onsite for the liturgy which followed the new COVID guidelines circulated by Bishop John on the previous Monday, July 5.
- It is strongly encouraged that masks be worn upon entry to the church and kept on for the entirety of the liturgy.
- Greeters/welcomers should wear masks.
- Anyone speaking or leading singing can remove their mask for this role.
- People should be encouraged to still distance from one another (unless from the same household)
- Prior to receiving Communion, individuals should sanitize their hands.
- A choir leading the music in worship is permitted.
- Congregational singing is permitted.
- It is no longer necessary to pre-register or collect contact tracing information for those attending worship.
- Washrooms no longer need to be designated “for emergency only”
- Social times before or after worship are permitted, however, please ensure that those handling food/beverages have sanitized their hands.
There were a number of highlights of Bishop John’s return to SJS:
In the top scroll:
Thanks to Jeanette Wiley from St. David and St. Paul
Thanks to Tadafumi Tamura for the Holy Cross photos and also to Midori Seo, ODNW for the photo of Atsumi pouring the holy water into the font.
Thanks to Derek Simpkins and Michael Dirk for the July 11, SJS photos.