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Synod staff gathered this week to celebrate and give thanks for the ministry and gifts of Kerry Baisley, the diocesan Missioner for Indigenous Justice. 

Bishop John Stephens highlighted the joy with which Kerry approaches everything he does. Synod staff members shared stories about the myriad of seemingly unrelated skills and talents Kerry has. Rikki Kooy, a mentoring elder in the diocse and a personal friend of Kerry's was in attendance and said she gives thanks for the laughter and joy Kerry embodies. 

In a brief address to synod staff, Kerry reminded everyone that reconciliation happens in relationship, with a lot of intentional walkin together, but above all also with joy. 

Kerry's last day at the synod office is Friday June 28. Along with Kerry, Dioceasan leadership is discerning the best way to continue the work of reconciliation and building right relations. 


- A gorgeous cake to mark the day 
-Rikki Kooy, Kerry and the Ven. Nick Pang in a lighthearted moment 
-Kerry looks on as Rikki speaks about her friendship with Kerry