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Here is a menu of offerings for formation during Lent. Nearly all of these are from Anglican sources and are low-cost or free to use. They can be used by individuals or groups.

Small Group Studies

40 Day Discernment in Community
Offered by the diocesan Centre for Spiritual Renewal, this study/practice circle will engage with Thomas Keating's teaching and practice booklet on Discernment. The praxis is 40-days of short, but impactful daily readings and guided listening invitations that we will start on Ash Wednesday (March 5) along with a one-hour weekly circle gathering on Fridays in Lent (beginning on Fri. Mar. 14 - Apr 11). On-line participants will join a live circle group via Zoom. Together we will flow through the stages of this discernment process with the invitations to open to the Spirit, listen for a question for discernment, observe, receive, and walk out the answer that comes.

Meeting God in the Wilderness
A course on Zoom offered by Canadian Anglican scholar and farmer, Sylvia Keesmaat. This course will examine biblical passages about the wilderness and encounters with God there. Held on each Sunday of Lent from 4-6pm (PT). “This course is for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relation to contemporary life.”

Five Mystical Weeks
A devotional study of George Herbert’s poetry and Ralph Vaughan Williams’ music as offered in “Five Mystical Songs”. Discover and delve into these songs which offer profound insight into the spiritual journey and the resurrection. How can a 17th century priest and 20th century composer speak to us today? The booklet comes with introduction, discussion and reflection questions, the text of the poems and links to free recordings.

If you’re interested in a more contemporary study of devotional poetry and music, there’s also: Lent with Leonard Cohen here:

Book Studies

Faithful, Creative, Hopeful: Fifteen Theses for Christians in a Crisis-filled World
Jesse Zink, Principal of Montreal Diocesan College, has just published this book filled with relevant stories and counsel for the church today and how Christians can respond with a vision of the gospel, insightful analysis of the world we live in, and confidence in God’s abiding presence.

How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith
Many were inspired by Bishop Mariann Budde’s sermon on January 21, 2025 that asked President Trump to be merciful. This is the most recent book of Bishop Budde’s which draws on scripture, culture, and experience to offer discernment and encouragement for decision-making in the challenging moments of life.

Lent Day Retreat

Quiet Day for Lent Curriculum
This Quiet Day for Lent curriculum ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love: turn, pray, learn, bless, rest, worship, go. Suitable for use at a day-long retreat, this curriculum offers four 75-minute blocks. Included in this resource are excerpts from Scripture and a participant guide.

Daily Devotionals

Kate Bowler – Lent devotionals. The professor of church history and best-selling author and podcaster, Kate Bowler, has a number of free daily devotionals that focus on honest, emotionally aware Lenten journeys. The one for 2025 is called The Hardest Part – “These Lent guides are designed to be a companion through this season as you pause, reflect, and find the courage to stay with the hard part, trusting that the good part is still coming.” Free sermon guides and small group curricula are available too.

Local and Ecumenical Lent 2025. Union Gospel Mission has published a free devotional with contributions from many leaders in our diocese including Archbishop John, Ray Aldred, Tellison Glover, Lindsay Hills, and Bill Mok. The booklet includes daily bible lectionary readings and room for notes and journaling. You can pick up free copies at the diocesan office by emailing: or get a digital copy at:

The Disciple’s Way
Forward Movement, the discipleship focused publisher of the Episcopal church has gone back to its 90 year old roots with a clarion call to follow Jesus with new vigor. Each day in Lent contemporary church leaders offer encouragement and challenge to follow core practices of the Way of Jesus. You can read a lengthy sample here.

Free Daily Devotional
Living Compass – The Lent 2025 guide is called: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit with all your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. Living Compass is a ministry focused on holistic wellness from a Christian perspective. It’s led by two Anglican family therapists.


Illustrated Ministry: Bread of Life
Illustrated Ministry has large Lent packages for churches with sermon helps, prayers, devotionals, etc but   their intergenerational Lent sessions look the most promising this year. Every week presents a new way to reflect on the concrete symbol of bread – in church, at home, and in the world. It comes with complete weekly sessions for small groups of mixed ages. You can download a sample of everything here:

Liturgical (esp. for clergy)

Remember there are a number of authorized resources available with seasonal emphases including: Times and Seasons from Common Worship of the Church of England. You can find it here:

As well, the Seasonal Resources section of the diocesan website has alternative gathering rites, and a great litany that may be used during Lent.