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On Easter Day, 2012, immediately following the 10:30am Festal Eucharist at Christ Church Cathedral, Bishop Michael dedicated the Winnifred Mather Hillman Garden.
The former Vancouver Province fashion editor, Winnifred Mather Hillman loved to garden, so 94-year-old Charles Hillman donated $150,000 toward a meditation garden to the memory of his wife of 30 years. Mrs. Hillman passed away in 1992 at the age of 84.
The donation was affably negotiated with Christ Church Cathedral’s Dean and Rector, the Very Reverend Peter Elliott. Peter and Charles got along very well and quickly realized that they were on the “same page” regarding plans for the garden. The project was a labour of love for both of them.
The garden is now completed and is situated on the west side of the Christ Church Cathedral grounds near the corners of Burrard and West Georgia Streets.
The garden space features benches and chairs that offer comfort, rest and relaxation to those who visit the garden. Most of the exterior furniture has been purchased as memorial gifts and many of the families who participated in this program were present on Easter Day for the dedication. Images: Above, Bishop Michael dedicates the Hillman Garden, Charles Hillman on left in brown hat. Below. the Easter congregation fills the newly dedicated garden at the corner of Burrard and West Georgia in Downtown Vancouver.