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As reported earlier this year the community of St. Mary’s, Kerrisdale followed their 2011 Centennial Celebrations of last summer with some major renovations to the century old church.
During the renovation the community worshipped in the gymnasium
A major component of the renovation was the removal of the wood floor constructed of fir and replaced with a new floor made of hearty oak. The replacement of the floor prompted discussions around changing the sanctuary so that it could be a more flexible space. That would mean that some of the pews would not be returned but replaced with chairs. There were a number of meetings but the result was that the community voted to create flexible space. The chairs have been ordered but will take 3 months to manufacture.
Even though seating for services would be temporary the community returned to worship in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday.
These photos are from Holy Week and they show how the flexible space at St. Mary’s is benefiting new worship models.
Images: Top, Rev. David Taylor plays for the younger members of the parish during the Good Friday, All Ages services. Middle Right, An Easter Images cross is laid out on the new oak floor during the Good Friday, All Ages worship. Below, the sanctuary is prepared for the Maundy Thursday Agape Eucharist.