What walking the talk of faith means
How our Christian history impacts our thoughts
Where is God in our culture and our lives
How the life we live is the ministry we offer
The key focus of EfM is to provide resources and tools by which we, as Baptized Christians are empowered to reflect theologically in our lives and live out our ministry.
EfM, is a program of study which incoporates how our understanding of scripture, Old and New Testaments; Church history; and the development of different theologies and issues throughout history impact our daily lives. Our common reflection themes have been ‘Living Faithfully in Your World’; ‘Living Faithfully in a Multi-Cultural World’, well suited for today and in the fall it will be ‘Living Faithfully as a Spiritually Mature Christian’
There are currently seminar groups meeting in the following Regional Deaneries;
Sea to Sky (St.Hilda); North Vancouver (st. Clements); Tri-Cities&North Burnaby (St. John Port Moody); Golden Ears (All Saints Mission); Valley (St. Andrew Langley and St. Thomas Chilliwack);
On-Line Group contact the Rev. Paula Porter-Leggett.
Plans are being worked on for seminar groups in Royal City & South Burnaby (Holy Trinity New Westminster); the Vancouver area; Golden Ears (St. George Maple Ridge) please contact either person noted below if you are interested in any of these seminar groups
For further info please contact the Rev. Anne Anchor or the Rev. Andrew Wilhelm-Boyles