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Education for Ministry (EfM) Graduation Eucharist, Wednesday, June 13th, 2012.
The soft glow of the evening sun of late spring streamed through the chancel windows of St. Timothy’s, Burnaby, bathing the chancel with gentle light as Bishop Michael spoke words of welcome to the capacity congregation gathered for the Eucharist. He said these words, “I used to be the priest at this church. It had a different name. In those days there was a line in the service bulletin which read, ‘we have one hundred ministers and one priest.’ These words reminded the congregation that all are called to ministry and this is particularly true tonight as we recognize those who graduate from EfM.”
He went on to point out that the program is called Education for MINISTRY, not for entertainment or for intellectual development.
EfM Mentor, The Reverend Andrew Wilhelm-Boyles is a retired Deacon of the Parish of St. Agnes, North Vancouver, but in retirement he is one of the busiest people in the diocese. Andrew was the preacher for this liturgy attended by EfM mentors, grads, students, friends and family.
He took the Gospel reading for his text, Matthew 5:13-16. “In calling us salt and light, Jesus is asking us to engage the world, not withdraw,” were the words with which Andrew opened his address.
He went on to say that those involved in EfM are somewhat different from others who are called because they are making a choice to be intentional in the pursuit of their calling. Andrew spoke of his experiences as an EfM mentor and he related some experiences in his life along with two key things that have become more present to him in the last year; the power of words and the fact that time is short.
Community is paramount, without it, society or the individual cannot survive. Andrew shared with the congregation how he has built community in different ways by describing his experiences with the staff of his favourite coffee shop. This is a place where one by one he got to know the people that work there, hospitable people, from diverse backgrounds. Andrew pursued his ministry of being available, all it cost was some time and the results were the development of a community that is a blessing to Andrew and to the other members of that group.
Music in worship was Celtic Mass by Harpist/Vocalist Clare Morgan, who is currently a student at VST and a parishioner at Christ Church Cathedral but who has had extensive experience with EfM. Clare with an ensemble of fine musicians led the enthusiastic congregation in songs of praise and thanksgiving.
Completing the EfM program is a considerable commitment of time and energy, the programme is structured on a four year curriculum but depending on available time it can take much longer. The most persistent 2012 graduate was Debra Jones-Akiyama who needed a daytime group and was without a mentor for 6 years graduated after 10 years in the program.
Many blessings and congratulations are in order for the 12 graduates of which 9 were present.

Images: Top, Front Row left to right: Bruce Alexander, Karen Saunders, Margaret Blades, Stephen Thompson, Jim White. Back Row left to right: Alex Wilson, Debora Jones-Akiyama, Merrill Young, Vera Morgan, to the right of Vera are St. George, Maple Ridge mentors, Melody Gougen and Bill Pearson.
Middle Right: Preacher, Rev. Andrew Wilhelm-Boyles
Lower Left: Rev. Paula Porter Leggett and Ross Bliss helped lead the music in worship
Below: Bishop Michael congratulates Jim White