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As September and the fall of 2023 get underway there are several parishes welcoming new ordained leaders. The Reverend David Taylor concluded his ministry as Rector of the Parish of St. Dunstan, Aldergrove on Sunday, September 9. That parish is beginning an interim period with the Venerable Al Carson as interim priest-in-charge. David begins his new ministry as Rector of St. Mark, Ocean Park, September 16 and the Celebration of New Ministry will take place Monday, September 25 at 7pm. The Reverend Liz Hamel completes her interim post as Interim Priest-in-Charge of St. John the Baptist, Sardis, September 15 and begins her next appointment immediately as Interim Priest-in-Charge of All Saints, Ladner. This is a two-year term. The Reverend Monte Tugwete, recently serving assistant curacies at both Holy Trinity, Cathedral and St. Alban the Martyr, Burnaby has begun his new appointment as Interim Priest-in-Charge of St. Alban the Martyr. St. George, Fort Langley is beginning an interim process with the Reverend Georgina Harris as interim priest-in-charge (60%).

The Reverend Howard Keith Adan voluntarily relinquished the exercise of his priestly ministry on August 29, 2023.

The Venerable Douglas Fenton who retired as Executive Archdeacon, January 4, 2023 has returned to the Synod office on contract as a consultant. Archdeacon Fenton will not have set hours but will be in the office half time. His email address is .

Regarding Archdeacon Fenton’s position, Bishop Stephens said,

“He is not stepping back into his former role but as a resource for me while Executive Archdeacon, the Venerable Philippa Pride is on medical leave. Philippa is on short term medical leave for the next while as she receives the medical care that she needs."