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The Christ Church/Christ the Redeemer Anniversary is getting a lot of "ink." Click to read the stories in the SURREY NOW and CLOVERDALE  REPORTER. Link to an interview on CBC radio's Early Edition, 09-20-2012.
In September,1882,  the first church in Surrey was founded in Surrey Centre and you are invited to join in to celebrate the 130th Anniversary of the parish. As a very special surprise, a historical artifact of considerable value to Surrey’s heritage will be presented to the parish. In 1884 the Union Solomon Masonic Lodge laid the cornerstone of historic Christ Church on September 23rd at 10:00 am 130 years later the Masons are going to donate the original silver trowel to the church.
The Guest Preacher will be The Reverend Father Matthew Johnson of the Street Outreach Initiative a ministry supported by St. James', Vancouver and the Diocese of New Westminster.

Everyone is invited to the community BBQ (by donation: hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, etc.) following worship. There will be games, launching of our Sunday School for the year and a chance to visit heritage Christ Church and its historic cemetery.
The service begins in historic Christ Church at 10:00 am and then there will be a procession to the modern church, Christ the Redeemer, across the street.
Click the links for more information and location.
Make sure and watch the  130TH INVITATION PROMO