Peter Bailey, who is the lay Lougheed Archdeaconry representative to Diocesan Council and in lay leadership at Christ Church, Hope has ask that diocesan communications circulate the following from the BC government's Resilience BC program:
"We are pleased to share with you that a Call for Proposals has been posted to the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Branch’s website to establish 3 new “Community Conveners” to join the Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network and support general coordination on racism and hate on behalf of specific cultural, racialized, faith, or marginalized communities."
The Resilience BC Community Conveners Pilot Project will advance dialogue and support initiatives that address critical issues that have been highlighted in 2020, especially anti-Indigenous, anti-Asian and anti-Black racism, and hate focused on faith communities.
A one-time grant payment will be made to fund a total of three (3) Community Conveners as follows:
Black Communities Convener - $100,000
Asian Communities Convener - $50,000
Interfaith Communities Convener - $50,000
(Funding to support Indigenous communities is being allocated through a separate process.)The application period will be open until Monday, February 22nd at 2pm. There is a simple two-step application process:
STAGE 1: Submit a brief written, online application by the deadline.
STAGE 2: Subject to the number of applications received, participate in an oral interview with the Ministry.Please consider sharing this opportunity with partners, colleagues and community organizations you may be connected with. Thank you for your support.
The Resilience BC Team
Please follow the link included in the post for detailed information. If you have specific questions please email: