Today, June 30, 2021, I've received my second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and I feel incredibly grateful and relieved. I give thanks to God for the science and the wisdom which created and manufactured vaccines which can keep all of us safe. I strongly encourage all of you get fully vaccinated (when the opportunity is made available to you) and to encourage the people around you to do the same.
I am grateful to all of the parishes (and other worshipping communities of our Diocese) for the incredible ministry that they have been doing despite these pandemic times. The online worship, zoom meetings, pastoral care phone calls and so many other pieces have all been part of living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in ways foreign to us a year and a half ago. Please know of my thanks and admiration.
The Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, met with the media yesterday and unveiled Step 3 of the Provincial Restart Plan as we emerge post-pandemic. There were many parts to this restart plan but not all of the details were clear. In terms of worship restrictions, effective July 1, there were very few details. As of noon today (June 30) I do not have those details which could potentially have come into effect tomorrow.
Because of this, at this stage there will be no changes to the diocesan protocols which came into effect with my latest pastoral letter, which went out on June 16. Please see the details below:
- There can be 50 people (including weddings, funerals, baptisms) OR up to 10% of the capacity of the church (e.g. if the church can hold 1,000 people then 100 people can attend), whichever is the larger of these two numbers. In addition, there can be up to 4 people to help others follow the protocols (these 4 are not included in the 50 in attendance). People attending only need to be 2 metres apart.
- There can be up to 5 musicians, but just one soloist who can sing or lead music. They must be 3 metres from each other and 3 metres from the congregation. There is NO congregational singing at this time.
- You may have services of Holy Eucharist (as long as you continue to follow the protocols put in place as part of Phase 3 of the Diocesan COVID Plan). Please note that this will be Communion of one kind only (the bread/body of Christ) and the priest consumes all of the wine/blood of Christ on behalf of the community.
- All COVID protocols must continue to be in place (all must wear masks, maintain a 2 metre distancing between all in the congregation, contact tracing, all must assess their health before attending, hand sanitizer available, cleaning and disinfecting protocols in place, etc). Please note that leaders and musicians can remove their masks while speaking or singing.
- Wherever possible, windows and doors should be opened to increase ventilation.
- No socializing before or after the service.
- There can be 50 people and up to 50 additional vehicles (if people are remaining in their vehicles). This includes weddings, funerals, baptisms.People must maintain 2 metres distancing apart.
- Up to 5 musicians can be present, and one soloist who can sing or play. They must be 3 metres apart from each other and the congregation. There is NO congregational singing at this time.
- You may have services of Holy Eucharist (as long as you continue to follow the protocols put in place as part of Phase 3 of the Diocesan COVID Plan).
- Please note that this will be Communion of one kind only (the bread/body of Christ) and the priest consumes all of the wine/blood of Christ on behalf of the community.
- All COVID protocols must continue to be in place (all must wear masks, maintain a 2 metre distancing between all in the congregation, contact tracing, all must assess their health before attending, hand sanitizer available, cleaning and disinfecting protocols in place, etc).
- Please note that leaders and musicians can remove their masks while speaking or singing.
- No socializing before or after the service.
I will review the latest Provincial Health Office’s worship protocols as soon as I receive them, and will send out another pastoral letter early next week with potential changes to COVID-19 protocols. To be clear, for this coming Sunday, July 4, there are no changes to my previous pastoral letter and those are the protocols to be followed for now.