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The annual Artaban cream tea was a rousing success again in 2014, with a turn-out of over 75 people, and a very popular bake table. Gwen Lamacraft made her renowned pies, which sold out immediately, as they do every year. There was also a white elephant table, a canteen with Artaban t-shirts, and Jody Simmons' beautiful greeting cards.

Everyone was seated at tables covered with table clothes lovingly made by Susan Foulds and her sisters. With the tea and scones served, Sandi LaCharite, the Chair of the Artaban board, thanked everyone for coming, thanked the Cream Tea Volunteer team and reported that Artaban is pushing to open for rentals this summer.
Next came the raffle, and all of the items went to men this year. Long-time Artabaner Charlie Etchell won the potted tulips. Sean Buxton won the Purdy's chocolates and shared them with the crowd. Andy Shrek won the gift basket of tea things, and Dave Williamson won the pot of flowers.

 As always, tea-goers of all generations enjoyed pouring over the Artaban photo albums and finding old friends in snapshots dating from the 1920s onward.

Images: Top, the scones and cream, YUM! (Photo by Fern Jaspers-Fayer). Right and homepage, the kitchen crew of Meg Cozens and Kirsten Oakes. Left, Joanne Graham supervises the very popular bake table (Photos 2 and 3 by Barb Walks)