Sermon preached by the Reverend Canon Harold Munn at the Celebration of a New Ministry Eucharist that saw his son, the Reverend Mark Munn inducted by Bishop John Stephens as Rector of the the Parish of St. Helen, West Point Grey.
The parish leadership asked that Bishop John appoint a rector without going through the full canonical process and the Reverend Munn was selected.
NOTE: recording the audio was a bit of a challenge so earbuds are recommended for the best listening experience.
- The vested, posed photo of the bishop and new rector
- The bishop gathers the community in prayer
- The Rev. Mark Munn smiles as the congregation welcomes him with applause
- The preacher, the Reverend Canon Harold Munn
- The new rector reads the Oaths and Subscriptions as the Venerable Philippa Pride looks on P
- Presentation of Holy Oils
- The Eucharistic Prayer