
Acts 1: 15-26; Psalm 15; Philippians 3: 13b-22; John 15: 6-16
We are called to be the Matthias of this world and of this time We are called to be the Matthias of this world and of this time We are called to be the Matthias of this world and of this time We are called to be the Matthias of this world and of this time

Bishop John Stephens's sermon preached at the Confirmation Eucharist celebrated at Christ Church, the Cathedral Church of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster. The Eucharist also celebrated the Feast of St. Matthias.
Twenty confirmands representing 7 of the 66 parishes and worshipping communities of the diocese received the laying on of hands.


  • The laying on of hands
  • Bishop John preaching
  • Bishop John poses with confirmands, sponsors and supporters from St. Michael's, Multicultural
  • Bishop John poses with confirmands, sponsors and supporters from St. Clements, Lynn Valley

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