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Explore the rhythms of sacred time through the festivals of the church year in the Orthodox Church through the iconography of Alina Smolyansky. In the newest exhibit at St. Faith's, on display now through Holy Week, Alina shares a series of twelve commissioned icons for the twelve major feasts of the Orthodox calendar. In this presentation you are invited to listen in on a conversation between Alina Smolyansky and Kerry Baisley about sacred time and the unique patterns of the Orthodox Church. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage with the icons on exhibit as well as engage with the presenters following the presentation. This is a free event for the whole community. All are welcome.


About Alina Smolyansky

Alina Smolyansky specializes in traditional egg tempera art, particularly Eastern Orthodox icons, and is one of the few North American teachers skilled in egg tempera and icon painting. Alina’s goal is to preserve the purity of colors and historical significance in iconography. Her passion lies in sharing the beauty of spiritual traditions and the wonders of nature through her artwork and teachings. You can learn more about Alina and her art on her website at