This sung service of Evening Prayer, based on the order found in the Canadian Book of Common Prayer (1962), is a peaceful and meditative church service in the Anglican tradition. It is rooted in the monastic tradition and invites worshippers to reflect and find spiritual stillness through the beauty of words and choral music.
March 2025 Evensong Music
Introit: Orlando Gibbons, Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
Preces & Responses: John Sanders
Psalm: 102 (chant: Gauntlett)
Readings: Genesis 24: 1-28, Mark 14:53-end
Canticles: Thomas Tallis, Dorian (Short) Service
Anthem: Thomas Attwood, Turn Thy Face From My Sins
Hymns: Christ, Mighty Saviour; Alone, Thou Goest Forth, O Lord
Final Responses: ferial, Edward Naylor