
Job 1: 1-5; Psalm 119: 161-168; Luke 10: 38-41
Ordination on the Commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon Ordination on the Commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon Ordination on the Commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon

Deacon, the Reverend Karin Fulcher was Chaplain to the Ordinands and preacher for the Ordination in the Holy Church of God Eucharist on the Commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon & The Community of Little Gidding, Saturday December 4 at Christ Church Cathedral.
Bishop John Stephens ordained Martha Cameron and Neil Seedhouse to the diaconate.
The Venerable Kelly Duncan was collated Archdeacon of Lougheed and the Reverends Laurel Dahill and Stephen Rowe were installed as Regional Deans of Golden Ears and Peace Arch.

Job 1: 1-5; Psalm 119: 161-168; Luke 10: 38-41