Sermon preached by Bishop Melissa Skelton at St. Cuthbert's, Delta, on Advent II - Peace Sunday, December 4, 2016 during her scheduled Episcopal visit. At this liturgy she confirmed 7 members of the St. Cuthbert's community.
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In the photo we have the seven confirmands, who while on retreat together with their priest the rector of St. Cuthbert's, the Revered Paul Woehrle they discussed an appropriate word to describe the group. "Possee" was possible, and so was "crew" which had strong alliteration on its side. But "gaggle" won out. L-R: Ammiel Swamy, Joshua Arun, Sapna Vimalendiran, Adrian deHeer-Amisah, Amelia Trottier, Ethan Cheng, Samantha Jesperson, Bishop Skelton and Pastor Paul Woehrle.