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Between the two days of Synod, May 11 and 12,  fifteen youth delegates and members of the Diocesan Youth Movement adjourned to St. Margaret's, Cedar Cottage for the annual sleepover for youth delegates. They were joined by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, who had spoken on youth ministry and formation earlier in the day. He led a discussion on the work of Word Made Flesh Canada, the non-profit he has recently become the director of and which seeks to build sustainable development relationships with partners in India and South America. He used the example of the Kony 2012 campaign to talk about the difference between single cause activism and building deep relationships to evoke change.
Worship took place late in the evening through a series of contemplative prayer stations set up around the church sanctuary. Delegates took the opportunity to discuss the highlights of the first day's business; and the Synod veterans (some at their ninth diocesan synod!) helped inspire new attendees to get involved with the upcoming debates and business on Saturday.
Images: Top,Youth delegates in discussion with Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Below, Emily Galvani, Forest Lisle and Bethany Wallace setting up a prayer station for evening worship