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Mollie Ashworth – Christ Church Cathedral (deceased 2014)

Mollie was a key leader for many years at St. David, Vancouver and is a faithful member of at her current parish, Christ Church Cathedral. A Warden, Treasurer, Member of Synod, and Cathedral Chapter, Mollie had also always been a very active supporter of the ministry of many neighbouring Anglican parishes and of the diocese as a whole.

Beatrice Bate – St. Michael, Surrey

Bea is one of the pioneer members of St. Michael’s, Surrey where she is still active. During her time at St. Michael’s she has offered her service to the ACW, the Parish Council (including being Rector’s Warden) and many other important roles in the parish. She has also been very active in the local community, particularly the support and care of other ‘seniors’.

Ann Blue – St. Catherine, Port Coquitlam

Ann has been an active member of St. Catherine’s since 1966 and during this time she has been a regular contributor to the parish newsletter, a passionate advocate of Camp Artaban, a leader of the Messy Church program and a pastoral Visitor. Ann was responsible for the introduction of the soup kitchen at St. Catherine’s.

Dana Bowman – St. Martin

Dana has served St. Martin’s as a Sidesperson, Counter, Reader, Delegate to Synod, Trustee, Parish Council member and Vice President of the ACW. In addition she has been a Deanery Representative on Diocesan Council and active in the Deanery Social Justice and Outreach Committee.

Mary Brown – St. James

Mary has held a wide variety of roles at St. James. This has included being a long time member of the ACW and a supporter the Street Outreach Initiative and Fr. Matthew Johnson. Mary has also been a volunteer and is currently a Member of the Board of Directors of the St. James Community Services Society.

Brian Corbould – St. Laurence

Brian has served the community of St. Laurence faithfully and in many different ways for over 45 years. He has also been active on the Diocesan Stewards-in-Action Committee and Ministry and Congregational Development Committee. In the larger community Brian has worked with several local health committees and organisations 

Trevor Davies – St. Dunstan

Trevor has been a member of St. Dunstan’s since 1984 and throughout his time in the parish he has been a very active presence. He has held several leadership roles and is a mainstay in the group that is responsible for the maintenance of the parish buildings. The parish believes that the angels often copy his laugh!

Jennifer Dezell – St. James

Jennifer Dezell is the Legal Assessor of the Diocese, and has been as a Diocesan Legal Officer since January 2006. She has been an active member of Administration & Finance Committee, Grants & Loans Committee, Diocesan Council and Diocesan Synod. Jennifer’s legal expertise has proven invaluable to us in resolving complex issues of law.

Roger Farrier – St. Anne, Steveston

Roger has been Treasurer, Rector’s Warden, Associate Warden and People’s Warden at St. Anne’s. In the diocese Roger has been a member and Co-Chair of the Diocesan Stewardship Development Committee. He has also served several terms as a Deanery Representative on Diocesan Council.

Margaret Gilchrist – St. Monica

Margaret has been an active member of St. Monica’s since the 1960’s. She has been an active member of the Altar Guild and Parish Council for many, many years. Margaret also has contributed many home preserves for the parish’s annual Cranberry Fair.

Betty Glegg – St. Laurence

Betty has been President of the ACW, a Sunday School Teacher, coordinator of Parish Greeters and very active in the social justice groups in the parish. In the larger community she has been a volunteer with the Save the Children Fund for over 45 years, including serving as coordinator of the Coquitlam branch for 28 years.

Wendy Harris – St. Mary, Kerrisdale

Wendy has served the Legal Assessor for the diocese and was an invaluable resource for the Bishop and the diocese during the time when Same-Sex Blessings were approved by our Synod. Her expertise in human resources along with her faith and compassion meant that her advice was greatly valued by the Bishop and the diocesan leadership.

Dora Harvey – St. Catherine, North Vancouver (Died March 28, 2021)

Dora held several leadership positions at St. Richard’s culminating in several years as Warden until they reluctantly voted to close in December 2009. Today Dora is an active and valued member of the parish of St. Catherine. Dora is faithful and wise and never hesitant to ask the tricky questions about the faith or the church.

Don Henry – St. Thomas, Vancouver

Don has been a member of St. Thomas for over 40 years. He has served on the Parish Council for over 20 years, including time as People’s Warden. He has maintained, into his 80’s, a “hands on” approach to parish administration, finances and the demanding needs of maintaining the physical plant of the parish.

Tom Hodges – St. Catherine, North Vancouver

Tom has been a long time Anglican who was an active member of St. Richard’s for many years. He not only cared for the congregation at St. Richard’s, particularly during the past times of change, but he has also given unstinting time and effort to the St. Richard’s building and site in so many ways. His personal devotion to his faith shines through in his life.

Joan Johnston – Christ Church Cathedral

Joan has been deeply involved in the sponsoring and assisting of refugees through Christ Church Cathedral and the Diocese of New Westminster for over 20 years. She is a living example of practical, hard-working, unassuming, long-standing, compassionate Christian service.

Terry Julian – Holy Trinity Cathedral (Died, November 17, 2021)

Terry has held a variety of leadership positions in the parish during the over 30 years he has been a member of Holy Trinity Cathedral. He has been particularly involved in the planning of anniversary celebrations for the parish and the diocese. Since 1992 Terry and his wife have been mainstays of the breakfast program at Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Colleen Keil – All Saints, Mission (Deceased November 10, 2022)

Colleen has been a member of the Anglican Church for almost 60 years and a member of All Saints, Mission for almost 40 of those years. She has many, many talents and has joyfully utilized them in her many ministries over the years.

Stephen Kershaw – St. Paul, Vancouver

Stephen has been a faithful and active member of St. Paul’s for over 20 years. Stephen and his wife Evelyn, who passed away earlier this year, have served the church with faithfulness, grace and good humour in many different capacities over the years. Evelyn was nominated by St. Paul’s to receive the Order of the Diocese but sadly, she passed away soon after her nomination was submitted.

Joan Lemon – St. Helen, Vancouver

Joan has been and continues to be a very active member in the life of St. Helen’s. She sang faithfully in the choir until 2009 when she retired at the age of 95 after over 70 years of singing. Her faithful service, knitting, baking and caring for others has helped to build St. Helen’s into the community institution it is today.

John Luccock – St.Catherine, North Vancouver

John was an active participant in the church from his youth. He has been very active with Camp Artaban as a member of the Board, a Camp Director and even a spell as the Head Cook. At St. Catherine’s John has held many leadership positions and has been a key part of that community since the 1970s.

Robert (Bob) Macmillan – All Saints, Burnaby

Bob has been a very active member of the All Saints community for several years. He has also been active in the diocese with the Metro-town Project and through supporting the Synod Office by providing printing services to the diocese.

Joan Mann – St. Francis-in-the-Wood

Joan is a life-long, indispensable, faithful and compassionate foot soldier of the parish and the wider church. Joan will take any part, big or little with a sense of enthusiasm, good fun and commitment. Her subtle, thoughtful and consistent contributions make her a loved, highly respected and greatly admired member of St. Francis-in-the-Wood.

Raymond McNeney – St. Mary the Virgin, Sapperton (deceased 2016)

Ray is “Mr. Involvement”, a man of action, full of wisdom, quick-witted with a wonderful sense of humour. Ray is a quiet Christian witness whose actions demonstrate his faith. All of St. Mary’s agree that Ray is a dependable, respected, committed Christian who is most deserving of the Order of the Diocese of New Westminster.

Don Meen – St. Margaret, Cedar Cottage

Don is a life long Anglican who is a much valued member of his parish. Don has also made major contributions to the life of the diocesan and national church. This has included co-chairing the diocesan Gay and Lesbian Voices Commission and helping to design the national church’s “Hearing Diverse Voices” program.

Judy Nicholson – St. Helen, Surrey

Judy has been a very active member of St. Helen’s and their ACW for over 35 years. During this time Judy has held a wide variety of leadership and pastoral roles. Among the many highlights for Judy was the privilege of being one of the synod delegates who was able to return from Synod and report that the diocese now welcomed the ordination of women.

Graham Rawlings –Christ Church Cathedral

Graham has provided wise counsel and hard-working leadership to multiple initiatives at Christ Church Cathedral. He was key to the success of the Cathedral’s Restoration & Renewal Campaign and he continues to be active in the stewardship of the building and the 127 Society for Housing. Graham has also been a leader in the Cathedral’s African HIV/Aids outreach ministries. 

Ina Mae Reed – St. Alban, Burnaby

Ina Mae has been a member of St. Alban’s for over fifty years and for over thirty years she has been a member of Parish Council. She served as the Burnaby Deanery representative on Diocesan Council for 10 years. Ina Mae is a blessing to the people of St. Alban’s and her presence amongst them is a treasure.

Ian Robertson – St. David, Delta

Ian has served our church in the parish, the diocese and the province. He is currently the Diocesan Treasurer and in this role he serves on several diocesan committees. In the past he has been active at the Vancouver School of Theology and the Sorrento Centre. Ian has also served on the Provincial Synod and the Provincial Council.

William Robinson – St. Faith (Deceased October 19, 2019)

Bill’s contributions to our church are many and he has held several leadership positions in the parish and has served on diocesan committees as well. A re-designed memorial garden and the installation of an elevator and a sound system to make St. Faith’s more accessible are a few of the many outcomes of Bill’s stewardship and faithfulness.

George Ryan – Holy Trinity Cathedral

From his earliest years George has been active in the church and has been passionate about music. He has generously shared his extensive musical experience and great talent with the church and the larger community. His original compositions and arrangements have been enjoyed by all the parishes he has served.

Betty Shizue Sakashita – Holy Cross Japanese Canadian

Mrs. Sakashita has been a very active and generous member of Holy Cross. Among her many contributions, for the last 20 years she has cooked meals every Sunday for the whole congregation. Even at the age of 96 she continues to help with the kitchen clean up every Sunday.

Hilda Smith – St. Mark, Ocean Park

Hilda has worked tirelessly at St. Mark’s since she and her husband joined the parish in 1983. Often her work goes on in the background doing tasks that others did not even realize needed doing. She has also been a leader in the various groups that she has belonged to in the true Servant Leadership model.

Don Stebbing – Church of the Epiphany (Died October 2, 2021)

Don has been an active member of two parishes in his long service to the Anglican Church. At St. Thomas, Vancouver and then Church of the Epiphany he has held a variety of leadership positions. Don has also been active in diocesan ministry in a variety of ways, in particular working with St. Jude’s Home and the Hospice Program Unit.

Janet Sutherland – St. Alban, Richmond

Over much of the past 40 years Janet has been a very active member of our diocese. She has been in leadership positions in St. Mary’s, Kerrisdale and St. Chad. Since 2008 Janet has been a member of St. Alban, Richmond where she is heavily involved in the outreach of the parish. She has also served with various diocesan ministries 

Margaret Wilkin – St. George, Maple Ridge (deceased July 11, 2018)

Margaret has been a faithful servant at St. George’s for many, many years. Her service has included being Parish Treasurer for “too many years to count”. Whenever there is a call for volunteers Margaret is always there ready and willing to help.

Peter Wright – St. Christopher

Peter has been a valued and active member of St. Christopher’s since 1951. His service has been wide ranging and continues to the present day. He has also been a presenter of seminars regarding mediation and negotiations for St. Christopher and other parishes in the surrounding area.

Wendy Young – St. Matthew, Abbotsford

Wendy has been a parishioner at Christ Church Cathedral, St. George, Fort Langley and St. Matthew, Abbotsford. She has been an active supporter of diocesan worship and ministry in Abbotsford and was vital to the efforts to restore diocesan worship at St. Matthew’s in August 2010. She is passionate about Christian spirituality.