On Sunday, November 20, Christ Church Cathedral celebrated its Patronal Festival on the Feast of Christ the King. Thanks to Jane Dittrich, ODNW for capturing some of the moments from and around the principal 10:30am Celebration of the Eucharist with guest preacher, the Reverend Fr. Matthew Johnson. Fr. Matthew is resident at St. James, Vancouver and is priest at the Street Outreach Initiative. During the liturgy, assistant priest, the Reverend Matthew Senf was congratulated on the 10th Anniversary of his ordination.

- During the Nov 20, 10:30am - The Reign of Christ service was The Commissioning of Lay Ministries. Ministry leaders brought forth symbols of their respective ministries
- Father Matthew Johnson was the guest preacher. Here we see Father Matthew greeting worshippers following the service.
- Cathedral Assistant Curate, the Reverend Adam Dawkins on the left and Fr. Matthew Johnson speaking with folks in the narthex after worship.
- Guest preacher, Father Matthew Johnson and the Cathedral’s Dean, The Very Rev. Chris Pappas.
- During the liturgy, Dean Chris Pappas announced that it was the Rev. Matthew Senf’s tenth anniversary of ordination. Cathedral clergy and servers, along with Rikki Kooy, ODNW gathered to celebrate Pastor Matthew’s ten years of ordained ministry
- The Reverend Matthew Senf acknowledges with gratitude the applause of congratulations from the congregation. A tribute to his 10th Ordination Anniversary. The Reverends Alisdair Smith, Stuart Mennigke and Adam Dawkins enjoy their colleagues reaction.
- The Rev. Senf’s wife Rose and one of their daughters join him for prayers of gratitude for his ten years of ordained ministry and his many gifts to the Cathedral community.
Photos: Jane Dittrich
Cutlines created with files from Jane Dittrich