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On Sunday, June 5, several important events were held at St. Stephen’s, West Vancouver; the Eucharist celebrating the Feast of Pentecost, the Community Singers Spring concert, and the Strawberry Tea to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee. 

In preparation for the celebratory service for the birthday of the church, rector, the Reverend Ken Vinal asked that parishioners wear red, the Pentecost colour. The service began with a trumpet and organ prelude, “Overture (Suite in D)” by G.F/ Handel performed by trumpeter Paul Dubnik and Minister of Music/Organist Dr. Annabelle Paetsch. The congregation was invited to remain after the service to enjoy the presentation of St. Stephen’s Community Singers, an open non-auditioned community choir based at St. Stephen’s that rehearses on Thursday afternoons. 

The community choir program opened with a vigorous singing of “God Save the Queen” and proceeded to a humorous shanty “ A Sailor Ain’t a Sailor”.  Continuing the nautical theme, the group performed “H.M.S. Pinafore: A Choral Suite” and ended with an excerpt from “The King and I: I Whistle a Happy Tune”.

The Strawberry Tea followed featuring delicious strawberry shortcake and a raffle to raise money for several parish compassionate service food ministries through the diocesan flow-through giving vehicle, care+share's 2022-2023 'Feed My Sheep' campaign. The event raised about $500 that goes directly to these parishes and affiliated groups feeding the hungry in the diocese of New Westminster.


  • A younger member of the parish enjoys some Strawberry Shortcake
  • A close up of the serving 
  • The St. Stephen’s Community Choir 

Photos: John Ruddick