Bishop’s Greeting and Welcome.
Bishop Michael pointed out that this was the first meeting of 2011 as the January meeting was cancelled so he wished Diocesan Council a “Happy New Year.”
Bishop Michael spoke about his visit to Calgary the preceding weekend (February 5&6) and wanted DC to know that many people came up to him to offer their gratitude for the mission, ministry and leadership of the Diocese of New Westminster.
Next, the Bishop briefed council on his upcoming trip to East Africa where he will again engage in the continuing discussions between Canadian and African bishops discussing various issues in the Anglican Communion. This is part of the continuing Indaba process that was begun at Lambeth in 2008.
Last year the meeting was in London between 5 Canadians and 5 Bishops from African Dioceses representing a number of different countries
(Click the link to access the April 2010 story) but this year in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania there will be more provinces in the AC represented. Americans, Australians and Bishops from the UK will also be in attendance so a proportionate number of African bishops have been added to the conference as well.
Bishop Michael will also be visiting the Diocese of Bujumbura in Burundi prior to the conference.
Bishop Michael closed his greeting saying that through these meetings and discussions he is extremely optimistic for the future of our church.
He will return to Vancouver from Africa just prior to the March meeting when he will report to DC.
Strategic Planning Group Presentation
Chair of the Strategic Planning Group the Rev. Andrew Wilhelm-Boyles announced to the group that the SPG has now changed its name to the Plan 2018 Action Group.
It has been a very busy time for the group with an even busier schedule on the horizon. He highlighted some of the upcoming events including the March 5th Leadership Training Day and May 7th, Pre-Synod Day Moving Forward in Mission.
The group has experienced a post planning lull in the wake of Plan 2018.
Andrew was pleased to announce that the group is energized and emerging from that lull.
What they’ve realized is that achieving the goal of Plan 2018 can not be driven by a centralized committee of 6 or 7 people.
There may not be as broad a knowledge of the Plan 2018 outside of the inner circle of Diocesan leadership and the problem continues of how to keep people informed and engaged. Andrew illustrated that need with the following key points:
- Plan 2018 anticipates regional relationships among Anglican parishes, in ministry together and going out into the neighbourhoods.
- Andrew urged council members to keep in mind that whatever they are doing they need to engage Plan 2018, it “needs to be ahead of us.”
- In order to implement Plan 2018 we need to use the existing structures already operating within the diocese to get the messages out: MAP, Parish Reviews and Diocesan events.
- The Action Group can’t wait for everyone to be ready, it is time to move forward in the implementation.
- One of the goals of 2018 is to build a community of parishes.
- Parishes may be in relation with the diocese but they are not necessarily in relationship with each other.
- Sharing resources and building relationships.
Andrew called on another member of the Plan 2018 Action Group, the Rev. Jeremy Clark-King to help illustrate regional cooperation by reporting on where the North Shore deanery is headed as they begin the work on their final report after 3 years engaged in MAP the Ministry Assessment Process.
North Vancouver plans to set up Regional Councils as a resource where ideas can be brought, developed and where these ideas can be discussed and moved forward.
For example: A parish that needs a new roof could come to the Regional Council with capital needs and use the Regional Council as a sounding board to give them advice about what they should do in terms of sourcing funds and finding qualified people to do the tasks required.
Chancellor George Cadman responded to Jeremy’s presentation by pointing out
Diocesan Canons 11 and 12 do refer to Regional Deanery structures and they encourage regional cooperation and dialogue.
The questions for the group table discussions were:
. What might a “regional” engagement in ministry look like where you are?
2. How might your “region” be defined: Deanery, Archdeaconry, MAP grouping, community of interest/practice or other.
3.In order to undertake such a regional ministry what would you stop doing , what would you continue doing and what would you start doing.
There were some good answers to the three questions.
In general, the answers had to do with looking outward not inward.
Sharing and inviting and creating a culture in deaneries where combined ministry can thrive.
Agenda Items
Item 6.1
Parish of St. Anselm’s requires access to restricted funds.
The motion to continue the flow of funds passed unanimously.
Item 6.2
Approval of Bylaws for the Parish Columbarium of the Parish of St. Thomas, Vancouver including the Bishop’s consent.
The approval passed unanimously
Terms of Reference – Property Development
The Treasurer rose to speak and explain the idea behind the establishment of some terms of reference for Property Development so that there can be some expertise and guidelines and resources to help develop property owned by parish corporations.
The Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett gave an accounting of an event that happened at St. Faith’s where there was an opportunity to develop some Seniors Housing on the St. Faith’s property but there was not enough expertise in the community to tackle something as complex as property development. If only the diocese had had a mechanism or an advisory group to help with direction that desire and opportunity to build seniors housing may have had a different outcome.
The motion to Adopt the revised Terms of Reference passed unanimously
The Chancellor George Cadman reported on the
current legal situation.
The Dissident parishes filed an
Application for Leave to Appeal January 14th.
(Click the link).
Council for the diocese will submit a response by February 13th, 2011.
Don Paul spoke to the group about the necessity to
formalize email polls.
DC was asked to consider if moving forward on this is advised.
A discussion took place about the percentage of membership needed to participate in the email poll for it to pass.
Holy Trinity Cathedral Building Plans
The Venerable John Bailey spoke to DC and began his address by thanking the diocesan personnel: Assistant Treasurer Jim Stewart, Business Administrator Rob Dickson and Registrar Don Paul for their great work in moving this forward.
The study done so far has convinced the HT parish that the property is very valuable and John opined that the lower mainland is a comparatively young urban area and New Westminster in particular has potential to become an area that will generate huge growth. Like Manhattan, where churches on valuable property thrive, HT can certainly follow in that mode.
The HT group hopes that a 20 story building can be built on their land in an attractive combination of social housing, market housing and commercial space.
Part of John’s desire to begin this discussion with Diocesan Council is that things could happen very quickly and there will be steps that need to be taken that will require the approval of DC. For example the CMHC loan application indicated in paragraph 4.
Assistant Treasurer Jim Stewart followed up on John’s presentation and informed DC that this project will be extremely complicated.
Dean Peter Elliott spoke about the
Communications Strategy Brief memo to the Bishop from Communications Committee Chair, Jane Osler. Jane was unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments.
Peter summarized the memo by going through the key messages.
· The Diocese and Bishop Michael Ingham are aware that these judgments will have a substantial effect on the Anglican Church in Canada and around the world. The Diocese and legal advisors are carefully considering next steps.
· Regardless of reasons for judgment, the Anglican Church of New Westminster continues its work of community outreach and care for its parishioners.
· The Anglican Church of New Westminster is committed to ensuring that all who seek to be included in the Anglican Communion feel safe and respected.
· No one is or will be asked to leave their church. The Bishop working with Parish leadership will assign priests who are part of the Anglican Church of Canada to replace the priests who voluntarily resigned from the Diocese of New Westminster, Anglican Church of Canada.
The Communications Committee affirms that keeping these messages at the forefront of our messaging is the best strategy moving forward.
Bishop Michael called for adjournment and Diocesan Council closed the meeting by saying “The Grace.”
The next scheduled meeting is March 8th, 7:30pm at St. Augustine’s, Marpole
Images: Top - Westminster Archdeaconry reps review the discussion questions, Right - the North Shore Deanery Group, Left- the Communications Officer moderates the Richmond/Tsawwassen discussions. Lower Left - Ian Robertson and Roger Farrier, Below: Several of the Officers visit during the break.
Diocesan Council is the decision making, governing body of the Diocese of New Westminster consisting of:
- the Diocesan Officers (Bishop, Dean, Executive Archdeacon,Chancellor, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer)
- the Archdeacons of the five Archdeaconries
- the Archdeacon who is the Director of Deacons
- two additional Diocesan Legal Officers, (Registrar and Legal Assessor)
- a Lay Secretary, a Clergy Secretary,
- the chairs of the Diocesan Standing Committees
- there are two Deanery reps either Ordained or Lay. Sometimes Deaneries have two lay reps and sometimes two clergy reps, sometimes one of each. A Deanery is a group of churches, geographically affiliated and the reps are elected at the Annual Synod Meeting.
- Synod Staff also attend meetings but are not members of Diocesan Council. They include: Business Administrator, Director of Planned Giving, Comptroller, Youth Coordinator and Communications Officer (and other staff as required).
Diocesan Synod consists of all the active clergy in the Diocese of New Westminster and 2-6 lay people elected from each diocesan parish proportionate to the size of the parish community.
Diocesan Council functions as the Synod between Synods, it is a representation of the large group that meets annually.
Diocesan Council and Diocesan Synod are both chaired by the Bishop.
Diocesan Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month usually at St. Augustine, Marpole at 7:30pm. Diocesan Council is adjourned for the months of July and August.