On Sunday March 20, 2022, Bishop John Stephens made the first visit of his episcopacy to his Parish of St. Cuthbert, North Delta. The rector, the Reverend Paul Woehrle was delighted to welcome the bishop to his church for a Celebration of the Eucharist for St. Cuthbert's Day with Baptisms and Confirmations.

Jack is marked as Christ's Own
Many thanks to photos from Pastor Woehrle, Valerie Reimer and diocesan photographer, Wayne Chose. More of Wayne's brilliant photos from this liturgy will be available in future web posts and in coming issues of Topic, the publication of the Diocese of New Westminster.

Lucas is marked as Christ's own
IMAGES in the Top Scroll
- Rainy day welcome on St. Cuthbert's Day at St. Cuthbert, N. Delta
- The clergy, Deacon, Reverend Karin Fulcher; Bishop John and Rector, the Reverend Paul Woehrle are gathered and ready for Baptims, Jack Stevens Wilson, son of Tara and Iain Wilson Lucas Judah Augustine, son of Joysen and Jennifer Augustine.
- Bishop John welcomes the congregation
- Bishop John speaks to the younger members of the parish
- Jack is baptized
- Lucas is baptized
- Lucas is returned to his mom, Jennifer
- Confirmands Joan and Jet Takaoka, marking 10 years at St. Cuthbert Church.

Special cookies depicting St. Cuthbert's Cross, made by Parishioner Shama Vimalendiran