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On June 19th, 2013, at St. Laurence, Coquitlam, the 15 Graduates for 2012-2013 of the four year Education for Ministry program were recognized during a service of Holy Eucharist presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster, the Right Reverend Michael Ingham. These 15 have now brought the number of EfM course graduates in the Diocese of New Westminster to 201. 147 of them have had their certificates presented to them by Bishop Michael personally during the service since the establishment of the EfM Graduation Eucharist in 2005. Bishop Michael has been present at all nine of these liturgies and this was his last as Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster.
The preacher for the service was the Reverend Paula Porter Leggett, rector of St. Andrew, Langley and a graduate of the EfM program in the United States. Paula praised the program as being an opportunity for people to pursue meaningful theological education outside the confines of a seminary environment. EfM encourages students to develop their skills and their own views so that they can think for themselves instead of “repeating what Father so and so says.” Paula went on to tell her story of how EfM provided an opportunity for her as a lay person to receive a theological education without putting her life as a working mother completely on hold to attend seminary.
The principal theme of her sermon based on the evening’s first reading, 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11 was that Grace and Grace beget Grace. She went on to illustrate this concept by saying “true spirituality in our understanding is the generosity we show others, it is not self-serving, Grace and Grace begets Grace.” Another theme in her address that tends to be common in contemporary sermons is that “our church is in a time of drastic change.” EfM can be a big part of dealing with and managing those changes and Paula presented three ways that EfM grads can minister for change:
1. Evangelism – “not preaching on a street corner” but possessing the confidence in the knowledge of our faith that allows us to provide the truth.
2. Catechists –Lay people are needed in our churches who know the scriptures, the liturgy and the Church to help lead worship.
3. Pastoral Caring – our Church needs people who can be with the sick and aging and be there to care for them spiritually and answer their questions.
Diocesan EfM Coordinator, the Reverend Anne Anchor came up to the lectern prior to the presentation of graduation certificates to thank Bishop Michael for his years of support to EfM and to present him with the EfM Canada pin that is received by all graduates.
If you are interested in finding out more about EfM in the Diocese of New Westminster please contact diocesan coordinator the Reverend Anne Anchor.

Images: Top and homepage, the Reverend Anne Anchor pins Bishop Michael with the EfM Canada graduate’s pin. Middle right, the preacher for the liturgy, the Reverend Paula Porter Leggett  Below, the graduates, mentors, clergy and bishop at the 2013 EfM Graduation Eucharist