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COVID-19 and the restrictions have been hard on us all, but even in these trying times God provides us with hope and relief. For me it has been adding Daily Morning Prayer to my routines. I find strength and encouragement by starting my day in this way.

At St. George, Maple Ridge our regular Morning Prayer, that had been celebrated on Saturday mornings for the past ten years, has developed into daily Morning Prayer that is both in-person and livestreamed. The livestreaming and the daily aspect came into being during Lent of 2020, when we were all in isolation. We began sharing Morning Prayer on Facebook. It gave us a reason to be up and about at 9am every morning and know that someone else was out there worshiping with us. We found that others were joining us for our worship and our online congregation expanded beyond our parish borders.

As COVID restrictions relaxed during the past year and we were beginning to gather to worship in our church building, we continued with the livestreaming of Morning Prayer, but added the opportunity to participate in daily Morning Prayer in the church building. We invite anyone who desires a quiet, safe place to worship to join us any morning of the week.

Please join us either online or in person St. George Maple Ridge 23500 Dewdney Trunk Rd. Maple Ridge


Becki Kozol, ODNW at the lectern with the chancel beautifully decorated and lit for Epiphany livestreaming

Photos: David Edgerton