Since the start of the Church, there have been different ways for Christians to help carry out its mission in the world. In the Anglican Church, one of those ways is Licensed Lay Ministry. Lay people may take on specific roles that help their parish carry out its mission. This doesn’t replace ordained ministers. It is one more way for lay people to carry out the mission of the church. If you're a lay person, do you feel called to take on a deeper role in your church? If you are a clergy leader do you feel this kind of ministry would enrich your community?

Current Licensed Lay Ministries
The Archbishop has authorized these five LLM
Communion Administrator
A Communion Administrant administers the consecrated elements during a celebration of Eucharist in the parish where the person is licensed.
Eucharistic Visitor
A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following a celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the celebration.
Lay Healing Minister
offer the laying on of hands and anointing with the oil of healing (unction) to parishioners of the parish in which the person is licensed.
Lay Preacher
A Lay Preacher is a lay person authorized to preach.
Lay Worship Leader
A Lay Worship Leader is a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of the incumbent or other leader exercising oversight of the parish.

All Licensed Lay Ministers: 

  • Must be a baptized Christian and a member of the parish they will be licensed in for at least one year 
  • Must engage in a pattern of regular worship in their parish  
  • Must have an understanding of baptismal ministry consistent with that of the Anglican Church of Canada and an understanding of the orders of bishops, priests, and deacons consistent with that of the Anglican Church of Canada 
  • Must be seen by others in the parish as faithful, stable, reliable, and both emotionally and spiritually mature. 
  • Must be supported and recommended by the incumbent and wardens of the parish  
  • Before functioning must complete a Police Record Check and all the Screening in Faith Training required (except for Communion Administrants) and must stay current on the required training. 
  • Must have an annually renewed license. 
  • Must complete the training needed for the role and refresh the training every 5 years. 
  • Must be willing to receive ongoing feedback from the incumbent/supervising clergy person about your exercising of the role. 
Next Steps
What to do next if you are interested in Licensed Lay Ministry

Please read the Diocesan guide to Licensed Lay Ministries, available here
If you have already trained Lay Ministers in your parish, click on the button below to apply for a license from the Bishop's office. 

Please note: Communion Administrators have a slightly different licensing process. To apply for a license for Communion Administrators, please click on the button below. 

Licensed Lay Minister Communion Administrators