In the Diocese of New Westminster, deacons are essential in extending ministry beyond church walls. They work under the Bishop's guidance to promote justice, compassion, care of Creation, reconciliation, and bridge-building. Our aim is for each parish to have a deacon to engage in Gospel action locally and globally.

Deacon's Handbook
Become a Deacon

Potential deacons and priests undergo a discernment process that helps to clarify if they are called to ordained ministry.

While the roles of deacons and priests are different, the qualities required for ordination are the same. The Diocese seeks to ordain people who are:

  • Gatherers and builders of the community
  • Rooted in Christ-centred spiritual practice that is Anglican in approach
  • Emotionally and relationally mature
  • Able to offer strong leadership and to work collegially under the authority of others
  • Good listeners and lifelong learners
  • Good stewards of their body, mind and spirit, and of the other relationships in their lives

Prior to ordination, those in discernment also undertake educational formation. We are pleased to have as leaders in this endeavour the Vancouver School of Theology, which offers the excellent Anglican Diploma in Diaconal Studies (ADDS).

Please contact the Ven. Peggy Trendell-Jensen, Archdeacon for Deacons, who will be able to offer some guidance or accommodation.

Discernment Process Clergy Commitments
Deacon's Beacon
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