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March 13, 2020

Dear Parishioners of St. John’s,

After much prayerful deliberation this evening, and with the consent of the Archbishop, beginning this Sunday Mar. 15, Wardens Geri and Ruby, Deacon Anne, and I have made the decision to temporarily suspend worship services, as well as group meetings at St. John’s.

We believe this is the most responsible course of action, particularly because our space would not allow us to follow the current guidelines recommended by the diocese and provincial health officials of adequate distance between people during gatherings*. We can in this way best support the health and safety of our own parish family and the wider community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are working out details for online worship for this Sunday, as well as ways to continue to nurture links between our community members in this time. Please look for an email with more information that will follow tomorrow (Saturday).

Peace, Vivian

*See Archbishop Melissa’s most recent correspondence of 3/12/20 at