The first scheduled staff meeting at the Synod office following the Summer of 2023, took place on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. A popular feature is the staff birthday greeting portion that begins the meeting (following prayers and a grateful territorial acknowledgement). Three September birthdays were marked: Accounting Clerk, Prashanthi (Shanthi) Yadavalli; Diocesan/Provincial Archivist and Privacy Officer, Marché Riley; Director of Mission and Ministry, the Reverend Tellison Glover. Marché was not present, however Shanthi and Tellison were onsite and participating in the birthday ritual. For Tellison, the next day, September 7 is a milestone with a 0 birthday so he got to do the cake cutting honours.

Executive Assistant to the Bishop's and Executive Archdeacon's Offices, Bill Siksay jumped up to serve the cake.

The meeting wasn’t all cake and song as the meeting chaired by Shanthi covered several important issues and staff reported in more detail than usual on their current and upcoming work.

Photos of the meeting: Randy Murray