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Applications for Parish Development Grants are now being received, for grants to be awarded in 2016. For full information about the application process, and to download the forms, please visit the Grants for Parish Development page.


On Wednesday, January 21st, 2015, in the spacious Parish Hall of St. Laurence, Coquitlam, Diocesan Council, the governing body of the diocese between Synods, approved a new process that will streamline grants to parishes.

The one page Precis (linked below) was presented by Committee on Mission and Ministry Development Chair, David Swan. The overall idea is to make the requesting of grants a smoother, less arduous process, therefore encouraging parish development initiatives and making funding for parish development initiatives more accessible.

The resolutions were presented during the “For Debate” section of Council’s agenda. Bishop Skelton shared her past experience developing a similar process for another diocese and led a discussion about what she has observed in her first year here in New Westminster regarding the difficulty of our current process for parishes and diocesan leadership.

The passing of the resolutions would allow for the assembly of a task group comprised of members made up from the two standing committees of the Diocese, Mission and Ministry Development and Management Finance and Property, and of others who will receive grant applications at a designated time and put forward their recommendations to the AIF administrators for grants. This will reduce the number of Committees involved, clarify the information the Diocese needs from applicants, and allow for better planning for all parties. This is the first attempt to move towards transparency in the grant progress which is a major step towards simplifying the process.

Parish Development Grant Process Authorization Motion #1:

  1. Diocesan Council approves and authorizes the initiation of the Parish Development Grant Process for the Diocese.
  2. The Grant Process is to be developed and established jointly by the Mission and Ministry Development Committee and the Management, Finance and Property Committee.
  3. The Process will be managed by the Parish Development Task Group which will be jointly established by the Mission and Ministry Development Committee and the Management, Finance and Property Committee and appointed by Diocesan Council.
  4. The Process will be developed to receive Grant Applications from Parishes in the Spring of the year with Grants to be announced by the Fall of the year for projects in the following year.
  5. The total amount of funding available will be announced at the start of the annual process.
  6. The Task Group’s recommendation for funding will be reviewed by and confirmed by the Anglican Initiatives Fund Administrators. Grants will be reported to Diocesan Council and the Diocese. 


Parish Development Grant Process Funding Motion #2:

This Diocesan Council requests that the monies to fund the Parish Development Grant Process for the Diocese will be sourced from the Anglican Initiatives Fund and other funds managed by the Administrators of the Anglican Initiatives Fund.


The flow chart that is linked below illustrates the New Parish Development Grant Process.

There were no dates included in the motions as that would tie the Task Group to a specific timetable which may require minor adjustment as the Process launches. However, as stated in the Precis the Process will work on “an annual schedule that ensures parishes know what funding they will have in the upcoming year (Applications in the Spring; Decisions in Autumn).”

For more information about the New Grant Process please contact the Reverend Ruth Monette, Director for Mission and Ministry Development

 PHOTOS: a)Second from left David Swan presents the Precis. b)The Reverend Janice Lowell, Archdeaconry Rep. for Capilano; Donald Paul, the Legal Registrar of the Diocese; George Cadman, Chancellor of the Diocese and Bishop Melissa Skelton during the New Grant Process discussions.