Many thanks to interim priest-in-charge at St. Thomas, Chilliwack, the Reverend Lorie Martin for sharing these photos that present a good view of the August 19th, Chilliwack Pride and St. Thomas's presence at the event.

Accompanying the submission of photos, the Reverend Martin wrote the following about the parish's experience:

"What a positive community spirit in action. Many people came to our booth to say hi, share some of their past and present stories of their lives, receive lemon or cold mint water to quench their thirst, brought some of their pets or just took a pause to have a candy or two.

We love being an affirming Church and receiving and giving nourishment today was beyond what we imagined.

Can't wait to explore more healing and friendships in our special community. Thank you all!"

The photos submitted arrived without cutlines, however, I think it's pretty easy to get the gist of what is going on.

Photos by Rev Lorie Martin. Message by parishioner Joanna Bravo. Special thanks to Event Planner parishioner Lesley MacMacMillan