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On Friday Evening, December 3, 2021, the Parish of St. Titus, Oakridge hosted a Holden Evensong, titled “Prayer of Light” for the ACAM (Anglican CanAsian Ministry Group) and the community.

Clergy gathered: the Reverends Wilmer Toyoken, St. Michael's, Multicultural Church on Broadway; Justin Cheng, All Saints', Burnaby; Marion Wong, St. Titus'; Tasha Carrothers, St. Mary Magdalene; Expedito Farinas, St. Mary the Virgin, South Hill. BACK ROW: Alecia Greenfield, Holy Cross, Vancouver; Adam Bates, St. Faith, Vancouver

ACAM began presenting this liturgy a few years ago, but in 2020 it took place only online with no onsite participation. According to Alecia it was wonderful to be together, the music was beautiful, and the fellowship was delightful.  

Here are three photos from the evening that capture mood. 

The Choir

Many thanks to the Reverend Alecia Greenfield for these photos.

TOP IMAGE: the Reverend Marion Wong, Vicar of St. Titus' and Regional Dean of Oakridge