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On January 30, 2024, Clergy Day was held.

The Bishop invited Graham Bullen to facilitate a workshop on leadership training and best practices for bringing change. Graham lives in Vancouver and works all around the globe in the areas of organizational development and organizational change. He brought a wealth of knowledge and asked insightful questions that sparked new ways of thinking.

All clergy in parish ministry, chaplaincy and the Synod Office gathered for an engaging presentation and thoughtfully led discussion. Through interactive games, the truth of leadership was revealed and internal biases were discovered with compassion. All were encouraged to dive within and communicate with empathy before making assumptions or asserting authority.

We saw who held onto their square, who ate their square and who was willing to offer pieces of their square...

With many laughs and poignant revelations, the day was a smashing success for all involved. 

Thank you to Graham Bullen for an engaging day.