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Retired priest of the diocese, artist, engineer, the Reverend Marilyn Hames shares these four pieces with the diocese and beyond.

Marilyn writes:

"Lately, I have been focusing on the beauty of aging and ‘going back to nature’—specifically, the relics and remnants of industry that speak to me of ‘creation’ in a variety of ways, but some of us in advancing years may see another metaphor here."

The four pieces are in the top scroll of this post.

She goes on to say:

"I realize that people hold wide-ranging viewpoints on industry, but I thought that in this Creation Season these images may spark some lively conversation about our reliance on resources like mining, fisheries, power and farming—how they have got us to where we are (for good or ill) and how we appreciate our relationship with both the earth and creativity.  Do we cheer when we see relics of the past rotting and rusting, can we see beauty in them, or is it only when we can see nature reclaiming them or see the light through them as in a broken roof over an old barn?"

The four photos of the paintings are also available below for downloading and printing.